Tuesday 17 January 2012

New Year Resolution

"There is nothing permanent except change"

Over the last year I've experience a lot of up's and down's in my life. It brought joy, anxiety, sorrow which leads to some tears in eyes. Last year saw some relative, friend, colleague and former boss passed away. Some of them were already in their golden years and some of them were still relatively young.

It was like a wake up call for me. How i wasn't taking care of myself like i used to. Just to show you what i mean, this was me a few years back.

Well this is me NOW!!!

During a reunion IFTAR

 Peak of Gunung Santubong

Giving a speech during my sister's wedding

And this was me time tak cukup makan!!!

Masa BTN ni, nampak macam sakit pun ada kan....

Can u see any difference?     

This is the reason why I've made it my New Years Resolution to cut the fat off my body. I need to live a healthy life not just for myself but also my family. 

By sharing this, I've made this sort of an official agenda this year. Hopefully by the end of the year i'll achieve my goals. I'll be updating my progress from time to time. Only time will tell weather i'll prevail in this in this enormous challenge.  

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