Monday 16 January 2012

The Graduate (1967)

A few weeks back when i was still in Colombo, around 4am my son woke up and started crying. Well as a dedicated father i went and made a bottle of milk for my boy. Unfortunately for me after that i can't go back to sleep so I decided to watch the tv. After flipping channel a couple of time, a particular movie caught my eyes. It was an old movie coz i can still see Dustin Hoffman in his teens. 

It was The Graduate (1967). The movie is about a recent college graduate, Benjamin Braddock who is trapped into an affair with Mrs. Robinson, who happens to be the wife of his fathers's business partner and then finds himself falling in love with her teenage daughter, Elaine.

Another plus factor was the soundtrack for this movie which was from Simon and Garfunkel. My favourite song is Sound Of Silence.

 If you have the opportunity please watch the movie coz it's really good....


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